Brave Mom at the Pool, You are an Inspiration.

When my kids were younger, I barely went to the pool because I was a) ashamed of my body (for heaven's sake I birthed 3 children in the span of five years, that should be celebrated, not shamed by society standards...but that is a different post for a different day) and b) I was outnumbered 3 to 1. You better believe that I was only going to the pool if another friend was braving it with me or I dragged my husband along. But that is where looking back, I was so wrong. I should have gone to the damn pool. Today, I will celebrate the brave mommas everywhere that are doing the hard job. Suiting up and going swimming with their kids.

Brave Mom, Pool, Swimming, Inspiration

To the Brave Mom at the Pool, You are an Inspiration.

When my kids were younger, I barely went to the pool because I was a) ashamed of my body (for heaven's sake I birthed 3 children in the span of five years, that should be celebrated, not shamed by society standards...but that is a different post for a different day) and b) I was outnumbered 3 to 1. You better believe that I was only going to the pool if another friend was braving it with me or I dragged my husband along. But that is where looking back, I was so wrong. I should have gone to the damn pool. Today, I will celebrate the brave mommas everywhere that are doing the hard job. Suiting up and going swimming with their kids.

last time for everything

The Surprising “Last Time” That I Wasn’t Expecting

As she turned away I thought, things will never be like this, again. I know that growing up is inevitable and I know that there are wonderful opportunities in front of her. Logically, I totally understand that.  But my heart. My heart is not ready to let THIS go.