Wall Design Love

I love to redecorate. If you come to my house, it's quite probable that the next time you come, furniture will be moved around, a room will be repainted, or some new accessory will be showcased on a couch or a shelf. Last week, I was ready for new wall art. But I felt stuck and needed a little help. When I get stuck in design, there is only one person to call~my friend, neighbor, and fellow redesign extraordinaire, A!

Marie Kondo- The KonMari Method

KonMari Series: My take on “The KonMari Method”

I first heard about the KonMari Method in the spring of 2015. As a person who likes to be organized and try out different methods and techniques to organize my belongings, this was an interesting approach. I bought the book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo and read it with zest. This book, in a surprising way, teaches you to accept who you are today and to allow your physical possessions to reflect that person, rather than the person you tried, wanted, or even dreamed to be.


I went to bed sad about near end of the preschool stage of my parenting years. Only to get a surprise the next day...her school doesn't start until next week. OH...MY...GOSH! I was only thinking two things at this moment; one- I did all that worrying and feeling sad for no reason and two-it was my first #mommyfail of the new school year.