naming feelings

Naming Feelings for Kids with an “I Feel” Meter

Naming feelings is a really important part of a child's development, no matter the communication level of the child. I promise you that your kiddo can benefit from this at home, too. Check out this exclusive content from

How to Teach your Kids Real-Life Social Skills

As this years summer winds down, I am in awe at how little we have accomplished this year. We went into the summer with grandiose plans and everyone made a list. Similar to our bucket lists of past summers. However, we never really focused on checking anything off! But you want to know what they really gained this summer? It was something I didn't plan on, but I am so glad I noticed it in action. My Kids Gained Valuable, Real-Life Social Skills.

The Award Goes to No Happy Accidents!!

A few weeks ago No Happy Accidents received the Sunshine Blogger Award!  This is an award given by bloggers to other bloggers who are positive, inspiring and creative. I am thrilled to have been nominated and graciously accept this peer recognition. There are awesome bloggers that have been nominated for this and I can’t believe Kate from A Sprinkle of Everything felt I was deserving of the same honor.