
Do you ever have those days (or weeks) where you just think, how did I get here? Where am I going? What am I doing? Why am I doing this? There have been times that I just want to hit PAUSE so that I can think, process, and act before another minute passes me by.

Six Decades on Earth~ Lessons from my Dad

Today, my dad turns 60. I don't know why it's hitting me so hard, but 60 just seems so old and my dad acts anything but old. I guess it's just shows me how fast life can be lived! And boy, has he lived life! I am not sure he could pack any more into…

Family Meeting: Part 2

Earlier this week, Jeff and I were heading home from a road trip out west. We were frustrated by the lack of coping skills our three children showed when dealing with disappointment. During the final 400 miles, we analyzed our kids and all the conditions that lead to their emotional state. We ultimately saw that our…