‘Twas the Night Before School

My kids go back to school tomorrow. The beginning of the year, always hits me with a ton of emotions. For one, I miss the excitement I used to feel setting up my classroom, collaborating with my team of teachers, and meeting my students for the first time. And as a parent, another school year means they are one year closer to not needing me anymore. This year, I will have a 4th grader, 3rd grader, and a preschooler. Pardon my bittersweet emotion in this post, but I couldn’t help it. For your (hopeful) enjoyment, here is my adapted version of  ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” originally written by Clement Clarke Moore.

‘Twas the Night Before School Started by Kim @ nohappyaccidents

twas the night before school_nohappyaccidents

‘Twas the night before school started, when all through the house,
not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The backpacks were hung by the front door with care,
in hopes that the morning soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of pencils danced in their heads.
And Papa with his iPad and I with my book,
had just settled our brains for a last summer nights look.

When on the second floor there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the couch to see what was the matter.
Away to the stairs I flew like a flash,
I skipped them by 2’s, and made it to the top in a dash.

The moon on the face of my sweet 9 year old’s face
gave away the excitement she tried to erase.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but an outfit all laid out with accessories to wear.

With a little apprehension, so nervous and shy,
I knew in a moment she could almost cry.
More rapid than eagles, my 4th grade pep talk came,
while I hugged her and reassured her and called subjects by name:

“Now Equations! Now Experiments!
Now, Author Studies and Essays!
On, History! On, Cursive!
On, Social Skills and Spelling!
To cooperate with others!
To problem solve all day long!
Now confidence! Kindness!
And respect for all!”

As she paused and decided it wouldn’t be so bad,
she asked if I’d miss her, or would I be sad.
So up my eyes swelled and I quietly said,
“Oh honey, time away from you I just dread.”

And then, as if magic, she fell back asleep,
and left me to gaze at her child sized heap.
As I drew in my breath and was getting up to go,
A tear fell down, and I wanted to yell out, “no.”

You see, this time is precious and I want them to learn,
but there are so many worries and unknowns while we yearn.
A dream to be accomplished, a goal within reach,
Some to just make a friend, and others a speech .

An education, how important! Independence, how scary!
They think they are ready for it, their books they can carry!
Their cute little smiles all waiting and eager,
and us, behind the camera barely holding it together.
It’s not that we don’t want them to learn and to grow,
quite the opposite, as we want them to learn all they should know.
But the time goes so quick, and soon this year will be over,
they’ll say it was the best year yet, and they’ll be another year older.

Which isn’t so bad, except that means so are we,
and that battle with time- is an enemy to me.
Because in a wink, they’ll be all grown up,
we’ll miss them and their messes, and wish to say, “clean-up.”

So, even if you’re sad as they move onto a new grade,
pretend like you’re happy and don’t be afraid.
Because each year does get better than the last one they left,
they are becoming little people with thoughts so very deft.

Give them a hug, and tell them you’re proud,
say “I love you”, in a voice sweet and loud.
But, as much as we love them, some can’t wait to shout,

“Happy school year to all, now go learn…get out!”

Whatever stage of parenthood you are at, EMBRACE it. It only lasts for a short time and then it’s gone. CHERISH each other and all the LOVE that surrounds you. You (yes you) are a wonderful parent and you are doing exactly what you need to be doing today. Your child needs YOU and only you. Nobody else will do!

~There are no happy accidents.


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